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Reference Library

51 People: Rehiring Employees

If a terminated employee is re-hired, the re-hiring must be processed with care to ensure that the employees entitlements are treated correctly and that Single Touch Payroll reporting (STP) is compliant. Rehiring Employees There are two methods of re-hiring…

52 People: Requesting Leave

A reference on how to request leave using MYOB advanced. The introduction of the Self Service module adds new workflows for requesting leave and then processing it in one or more pay runs. Leave requests made in the Self Service module flow through to the…

53 People: Reversing a completed pay

Reversing a completed Pay Reversing a Pay Sometimes, you might need to correct a pay after it has been processed and marked as complete. This article explains how to reverse a pay and then make changes to it. To reverse a completed pay On the Manage Pays…

54 People: Setting up long service leave

Setting up long service leave Long Service Leave In Australia, and in some cases in New Zealand, employers are required to set up long service leave for their employees. This article covers an example of how to add this entitlement to an employee's record.…

55 People: Setting up time in lieu

People: Setting up time in lieu Time in Lieu Time in lieu is a type of leave that isn't specifically covered by the Holidays Act 2003. Prior to the Holidays Act 2003, days accrued for working on a public holiday were known as "day in lieu" or "lieu time".…

56 People: Single Touch Payroll

This is a step by step guide to help you setup and maintain STP reporting in your system. Single Touch Payroll (STP) is an ATO requirement for reporting payroll data, which allows you to report to the ATO directly from your payroll software at the same time…

57 People: Taxable Payment Reporting (TPAR)

People: Taxable Payment Reporting (TPAR) Australian businesses in the building and construction industries that make payments to contractors for building and construction services are required to report these payments to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) on…

58 People: Terminations in Payroll

Terminations in Payroll The Payroll module of MYOB Advanced allows you to process an final pay after their employment has been terminated. This includes paying out unused leave balances and other lump sums, making adjustments for the notice period, updating…

59 People: Training Document Overview People Module

MYOB Advanced People Training Document People Refer to attached document on how to us People Module in MYOB Advanced.

60 People: Transferring Employees

People: Transferring Employees A new Employee Transfer screen (MPPP3115) is available to simplify the process of transferring an employee from one branch in the MYOB Advanced system to another. When an employee transfers between branches, their leave liabilities…